
Managed Security services

We provide 24/7 services designed to reduce the number of security threats to maintain an acceptable security posture. In addtion, We provide managed security services that include managed SOC Services, firewall, intrusion detection, virtual private network, vulnerability scanning and anti-virus services

GRC Consultancy

Byte Fist provides for its customers and partners those services to achieve the governance solutions that meet business goals. We work in a unique and special way by direct and meaningful consultations with our customers to address leadership and governance requirements

Penetration Testing

This service provides the similar attack methods used to breach the organizations. Through this service, Byte Fist helps its customers to identify and fix vulnerabilities that could be exploited in company assets (systems, networks, applications, devices)

Compromise Assessment

This service is part of cyber security incident response. Byte fist is supporting its customers to identify malicious past or ongoing activities in an organization's environment

Cyber Security Awareness

Byte Fist delivers effective cybersecurity awareness programs, solutions, and services to build a secure and resilient customer organization, by adopting security culture


Byte Fist team has experience in a complex of cyber security challenges, and we focus on customer’s needs